Laybuy/Payment Plan T&Cs

We now offer In store laybuy service for those who do not have the other payment options currently on offer (afterpay/Zip etc) for single items over $500 AUD.


  1. A 25% deposit is payable upon commencement of plan. This deposit is non refundable and in the event that the customer fails to adhere to the terms of the agreement Earthluxe reserves the right to retain the deposit amount as a cancellation/ administration fee. All payments exceeding the 25% deposit will be refunded within 10 business days.
  2. a)Items $500-$1000 - 4/6 week plan available. b)Items $1000-$3000 - 6/8 week plans available.
  3. Payments will be due weekly/fortnightly on a day agreed between both parties. An invoice will be sent prior to each payment and the amount will be automatically deducted from the customers credit/ debit card which will be supplied by the customer and information securely held by Squareup Ltd. Each weekly/ fortnightly payment will be subject to a 2% merchant fee.
  4. A Dishonor fee of $15 will be payable by the customer in the event that there are insufficient funds on the day the payment is due. The payment will automatically get rescheduled for direct debit within 48hrs. 3 failed payments will result in your payment plan being cancelled and cancellation fee (in point 1.) will be charged. Allowances may be made in the event of unforeseen circumstances, this will be at the discretion of Earthluxe Crystals.
  5. Once the final payment is made Earthluxe will have your goods sent out within 3 business days.
  6. Customers who default on payment plan terms & conditions will be denied any future payment plan requests.
  7. Payment plan arrangements are final. We do not accept putbacks, swaps or exchange for credit.